ORIEL ORTEGA C.S.C.S., CrossFit Level 1 Instructor

Oriel ha trabajado como Personal Trainer desde hace 8 años y entrenando practicamente toda su vida. Su pasión por el entrenamiento y su constante búsqueda de más conocimiento, lo llevaron a certificarse como Personal Trainer. ¨Sufría cuando iba a los gimnasios y veia a las personas entrenando mal y los entrenadores no hacían nada al respecto, es por esta razón que realicé que quería ser entrenador¨ , nos dice Oriel.
Trabaja con todo tipo de clientes. Se especializa en pérdida de peso sin ¨trucos¨ ni promesas falsas. Sus otras especialidades son el entrenamiento de fuerza, preparación de atletas, entrenamiento de resistencia y biomecánica. Disfruta ayudar a sus clientes en todas las áreas de la salud física.
El pasado 17 y 18 de mayo recibió su Certificación de Nivel 1 de CrossFit™ en Sonz Palm Beach Gardens en Riviera Beach. Convirtiéndose junto a su hermano en los primeros en Centro América y 2 de solo un pequeño grupo de Latinoamericanos en recibir dicha Certificación.

As a Personal Trainer and a lifelong athlete I was always looking for ways to improve my overall fitness level. Practicing an array of sports, from Surfing to basketball, softball to mountaing biking, I needed to have balance, endurance, speed ,power and flexibility. That's why I was always looking for a training program that would enable me to succeed in all this areas. Then I discovered CrossFit.
My brother showed me the way in my first WOD and I was hooked. I was a mess afterward from it, but it also felt so natural to have such a good workout using little to no weight. After two weeks of following the WOD’s I noticed my body composition changing, my overall health getting better, and my whole fitness level increasing. Shortly thereafter, my actual body structure was changing, spinal/ hip integration felt proper, my posture corrected, gained lean muscle mass, and I carry myself with full confidence, knowing my physical capabilities.
I have truly been excited and inspired by the transformations I am seeing in people. I am amazed at the huge impact CrossFit™ has on peoples’ lives and my life. My clients regularly express to me that the CrossFit™ mentality carries over into their home and work life as well. They are able to stare down adversity and dig their heels in, and when things get tough they take a deep breath and get back in the fight".

OYDÉN ORTEGA C.S.C.S., CrossFit Level 1 Instructor

Oydén ha estado involucrado en los deportes toda su vida. Desde baseball infaltil hasta representar a Panamá a nivel internacional. Empezó a leer e investigar todo lo que se relacionaba con llevar un estilo de vida más sano y al igual que su hermano Oriel, se cansaron de ver cómo los entrenadores y los gimnasios no cumplían con su misión de ayudar a crear una comunidad más sana.
Por esta razón, a finales del 2007 decidió junto con su hermano crear un concepto totalmente distinto de entrenamiento. Algo jamás visto en Panamá. Un estudio de entrenamiento dedicado realmente a mejorar el rendimiento de sus clientes a través de métodos totalmente distintos a los que están acostumbrados a ver en los gimnasios convencionales. Implementando los conceptos del revolucionario método de entrenamiento CrossFit™, del cual posee la Certificación de Nivel 1.

Oydén has established himself as an effective force in working with a variety of clients. His background as an athlete has provided him with skills critical in assessing athletes' strengths and weaknesses. His contemporary and dynamic understanding of the world of fitness allows him to address his clients' needs and provide them with unique and challenging programs of training. For this reason, among others, Oydén appeals to both individuals looking to shape up and athletes who are looking to push themselves. He says: "When I stumbled across CrossFit™, I was intrigued, but dubious. I liked the approach in theory, but I couldn't believe ten-minute workouts would be enough to achieve real results". After trying a few WOD's for a week, and saw that he felt as if it was the first week ever of training, he definitely started believing in the CrossFit method of training.
Now he's a CrossFit™ Level 1 Instructor and ready to pass the knowledge to his clients and to spread the word on the most effective type of training out there.

EDWIN "CHINO" CHAVEZ CrossFit Level 1 Instructor

Ha entrenado practicamente toda su vida y a finales del año pasado, junto a Oriel y Oydén empezó a entrenar bajo este novesoso concepto de CrossFit™ y realizó al igual que todos los que prueban este tipo de entrenamiento por primera vez, que estaba muy lejos de estar con condiciones, apesar de los años que tenía de entrenar.
Esto lo llevó a unirse a los Hermanos Ortega en este novedoso proyecto y a recibir el pasado mes de junio su Certificación Nivel 1 en CrossFit East/Jackosonville Police Academy. Convirtiendo a CrossFit™BRIGA en uno de los pocos que abre sus puertas con 3 entrenadores Certificados.

Like most of us, Chino had been training on and off for a long time - "I was a diehard 2 hours a day 5 days a week kind of workout guy; an hour of cardio and another hour of lifting weights. Once I was introduced to Crossfit, my whole philosophy, and physique, changed. I could see a huge difference in a short amount of time. I’m now leaner, faster, stronger, more agile, happier, more energetic and more excited about fitness than ever before" - says Chino.
So after a couple of months training CrossFit™ style, he decided to take it to the next level and last June he recieved his CrossFit™ Level 1 Certification in CrossFit East/Jacksonville Police Academy.